Geometri fun

Today we held focus on maths geometric forms:
circle, rectangle, square and triangle.

We talked about what the forms look like and searched for the forms in other things, in the room. We found them in our carpet for example. After the gathering we divided the children into smaller groups where they got to build figures and other things from the geometric forms and my group got to paint circels and glue them on to a black paper.

This is how beautiful our wall got : )

Math through Lego

This week I had planned an educational gathering where we alla sat down with the purpose:
That the children will have the opportunity to develop an understanding for counting, number sequence, amount and sorting. (p. 10 in the Swedish curriculum)

We started by asking the children how many fingers we have on one hand and we got 5 as an answer. When we asked how they knew that, a girl of 5 years old answered that she knew this because she has 5 toes in one foot. (Great that she had seen the connection) We then put out 5 Lego blocks on the carpet, putting signs with the numbers 1-5 on them next to the blocks, this to make it clearly for the children to see the connection between the numbers and the amount of blocks.
After counting the blocks we put the blocks in 2 piles and asked the children in which pile there were more blocks, they instintly knew which one and we asked how they knew this?
"Because this one has 2 blocks and the other 3" they answered.
We then added smaller Lego blocks in to one of the piles and asked the same question. We did this to see if the children would answer differently depending on different sizes. But the answer were the same.
After the gathering we devided the children into 3 groups, after their age and we also used different types of Lego depending on their age. With the oldest children we used small Lego and they got the mission to build something exciting:
How would you build a banana with Lego?
The resulalt was amazing!! One boy built a banana boat that you can see abroad.
With the youngest children we used the big and soft Lego blocks that you can see in the picture and they built big towers and talked about the colors. With the middle group which is my group we used Duplo Lego with which we built different towers, counted different colors and blocks and we sorted the blocks after their colors.
The whole section where I work was involved in math and it was just great seeing how excited the children were about it, Lego is a great playful material to use with children in learning math!

Guldlock och de 3 björnarna

Igår tog jag med mig några av våra barn för att läsa en flanosaga: Guldlock och de 3 björnarna.
Barnen gillar verkligen flanosagorna, de satt runt mig och tittade nyfiket vad som skulle hända och 2 av de mindre barnen blev så nyfikna att de var tvungna att hela tiden gå fram och känna på figurerna ; )
Efter sagan passade jag på att ta vara på vardagens möjligheter till matematik och pratade med barnen om olika lägesperspektiv. Jag ställde frågor som Vilken av björnarna är störst? hur många stolar finns det? var står Guldlock i förhållande till sängen?

Det var riktigt kul att barnen (de äldre) hakade på och funderade, svarade på frågorna och även att de tog initiativ till att flytta figurerna själva.

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